Today I want to touch on the importance of building and maintaining your sphere of influence or database. So much of any new real estate agent’s business will come from the people that know you, like you, and trust you. Our goal as a brand new Idaho real estate agent is to build a list of people (sphere) that is at least 100 people. These are the folks that we are going to market on a regular basis. We want to reach out and cultivate our relationship AT LEAST once a month. for brand new agents, I advised twice a month. These conversations, or touches, can be real estate related or not. A good mixture is preferred. We just want to be sure that we are touching base enough so that when these folks think of buying or selling Idaho property, they call us. We want to be top of mind. The Treasure Valley is so saturated with real estate agents most people know a handful. It can be hard to be the top real estate agent people think to call when they are ready to buy or sell. Remember, selling real estate is about relationships and the more you cultivate that relationship, the more business you will have. It is a good idea to set up this sphere in a cloud based database that you can keep notes about your sphere. The reason for this is we want to grow our sphere of influence to reach greater heights and we always want to be sure we know what we spoke of the last time we spoke. Keep it personable, professional, and information-filled and those clients will start pouring in.