Joshua Harbst

Genesis Real Estate School Offers Remote Hybrid Classes for Added Convenience

We are thrilled to announce that Genesis Real Estate School in Boise, Idaho, is now offering Zoom classes, ushering in a new era of convenience for our students. Embracing Flexibility with Zoom Classes With the introduction of Zoom classes, our students can now enjoy the flexibility of attending real estate education courses from the comfort […]

Genesis Real Estate School Offers Remote Hybrid Classes for Added Convenience Read More »

How Interest Rates Influence Homebuyer Demand: A Real Estate Perspective

As a seasoned Real Estate agent in Idaho, understanding the impact of interest rates on homebuyer demand is crucial for providing valuable insights to clients and navigating the dynamic housing market. In this blog, we’ll explore the various ways in which interest rates can influence the demand for homes among buyers. Affordability and Mortgage Payments

How Interest Rates Influence Homebuyer Demand: A Real Estate Perspective Read More »

Advantages of Taking Real Estate Pre-License and CE Classes via Zoom with a Live Instructor in Idaho

Are you considering a career in real estate or looking to advance your existing real estate skills in Idaho? The world of real estate is dynamic, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. One way to achieve this is by taking pre-license and continuing education (CE) classes via Zoom with a live

Advantages of Taking Real Estate Pre-License and CE Classes via Zoom with a Live Instructor in Idaho Read More »

Why Zoom Classes are an Excellent Option for Real Estate Schools Offering Pre-License Classes in Idaho

As technology continues to advance, real estate schools in Idaho are embracing new methods of instruction to provide aspiring agents with comprehensive pre-license classes. One such method gaining immense popularity is the use of Zoom classes. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous advantages of offering pre-license classes through Zoom, highlighting how it

Why Zoom Classes are an Excellent Option for Real Estate Schools Offering Pre-License Classes in Idaho Read More »

Saving for a Sunny Day

As a real estate professional you are already well aware of the need to always be prepared; whether it’s for client meetings, paperwork processing or dealing with market changes. Saving for a rainy day is not only common sense but an important part of staying ahead in this field and proactively taking care of yourself

Saving for a Sunny Day Read More »

The Natural Progression of Real Estate Agents into Real Estate Investing: Benefits and Downsides

When it comes to the world of real estate, many agents find themselves naturally progressing from assisting clients in buying and selling properties to becoming real estate investors themselves. This transition offers unique opportunities for agents to expand their income streams and build long-term wealth. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why

The Natural Progression of Real Estate Agents into Real Estate Investing: Benefits and Downsides Read More »

Essential Tips for Pre-License Students Starting a Real Estate Career in the Boise Area

Congratulations on taking the first step towards an exciting and rewarding career in real estate! As a seasoned real estate agent in the thriving Boise area, I understand the challenges that pre-license students face when starting out. In this blog post, I will share some valuable advice and essential tips to help you kickstart your

Essential Tips for Pre-License Students Starting a Real Estate Career in the Boise Area Read More »

The Imperative Role of Social Media in Real Estate Marketing and Advertising

As the real estate industry continues to evolve, it has become increasingly clear that social media is not just a passing trend, but an essential tool for successful marketing and advertising. With its wide reach, targeted audience engagement, and cost-effectiveness, social media platforms have revolutionized the way real estate professionals promote their businesses. In this

The Imperative Role of Social Media in Real Estate Marketing and Advertising Read More »

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